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African Studies Office

To provide an objective and realistic picture of Africa and its countries and issues


Office activities

Scientific research and studies

Surveys - feasibility studies - cultural activity - media activity - and stimulating relationships



Government agencies - economic - and humanitarian - scientific and cultural institutions - and international organizations


Office activities

Scientific research and studies

Surveys - feasibility studies - cultural activity - media activity - and stimulating relationships


Office activities

Research Activity

It is the most prominent activities of the office. It includes research work, scientific studies, surveys, feasibility studies, etc., and publishing and printing

Cultural Activity

Holding intellectual and cultural forums, symposia and seminars in the country of headquarters (Saudi), and in African countries.

Media Activity

To achieve the goals of the office and its products, and market them with traditional and modern media such as social media and blogs.

Activate relationships

With the African economic, cultural, academic and other parties to arrange joint events, exchange visits, conferences, events, and the like.

The most important goals of the office

Encouraging the government and businessmen to take the initiative to invest in and compete in the African arena, and to benefit from the natural resources it contains.

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Vision and mission

The vision of the office is leadership and reference on the Saudi and Gulf scene in African studies in the strategic, economic, cultural and developmental fields.


The office prepares and publishes research, studies and specialized publications, provides advice, training and organizes various events in African affairs in its fields of competence.


There are many areas of work in the office, and the work of the office is focused on studies and research in four main areas:

Economic and investment
The political and strategic
Developmental & humanitarian
Cultural and educational

Office Objectives


Promote Saudi-African relations in particular and the African Gulf in general to achieve integration and constructive cooperation in various fields and provide in-depth consultancy services on the African issue


Provide a true and realistic picture of Africa


Encouraging economic investment in Africa


Encourage scientific research in African affairs


Enhance partnership and exchange experiences

Motives for the project

Looking at the reasons for establishing the office, we find that we are facing these important motives

Strategic motivation

Regarding political and economic strategic issues, the office provides the correct information, a clear vision, and a correct recommendation.

Development impulse

Helping to develop African societies, rich in resources, poor in their potential, as part of a religious and moral duty.

Human social motivation

Scientific and research support for donors and relief and humanitarian organizations will improve their performance in the service of people and African societies effectively.

Educational awareness drive

By contributing to proposing awareness and educational programs in Africa to introduce moderate moderate Islam and to fight extremist ideas.


It is the second largest continent in the world in terms of area and population

0 Million km 2

0 Country

0 Billion population

0 Ariver in Africa

Conferences & events

The activities of the international conference of the Faculty of African High Studies at Cairo University, which lasted for the past three days under the title "Egypt and Sustainable Development in Africa", which was held under the auspices of the Preside..

This symposium is an extension of the first symposium on Islamic education in Africa, which was held by the African Islamic Center in the period 29 February - 3 March 1988 in the Friendship Hall - Khartoum, in which a large number of workers and those int..

Partners in Africa